
Here's just a small sampling of the things we’ve accomplished since our founding in July 2018.


“Make A Promise” Addiction Awareness Event

November 18, 2019 - On what would have been Jordan Arakelian’s 26th birthday, we held this extremely successful event at a local high school to raise awareness of the problem of substance use disorders among teens. More than 400 were in attendance. We are available to host these events free-of-charge at high schools throughout Connecticut.


Holiday Toy Drives

Each holiday season, we host toy drives so that we may donate gifts that individuals in treatment can give to their children when they come to visit. Many people have told us that this was the first time in years that they’ve been able to give gifts to their children and that it’s helped them to rebuild the bond broken by the disease of addiction.


Holiday Meals

For the Valentine’s Day, Easter, and Christmas holidays, we have prepared healthy meals for residential treatment clients and provided them with fellowship, conversation, and gifts to remind them that recovery is possible and there are people who care.