Resources for Help in Connecticut
211 CT
Whether you want to give or get help, 2-1-1 is the confidential, free, 24-hour a day, and multilingual way to locate hundreds of human services in your area. 211ct.org
A New Beginning Recovery
A New Beginning Recovery Houses LLC was founded in 2014. We are dedicated to helping individuals in early recovery rebuild their lives. newbeginningrecovery.org
ACCESS Mental Health CT
ACCESS Mental Health CT is a program that offers free, timely consultative services for PCPs seeking assistance in providing behavioral health care to children and adolescents under the age of 19 years, irrespective of insurance. accessmhct.com
Advocacy Unlimited, Inc.
From events and conferences to peer support and meet-ups - there are always things happening at Advocacy Unlimited! advocacyunlimited.org
Alliance for Living
Alliance for Living is the only HIV/AIDS service organization and resource center in southeastern Connecticut that also deals with homelessness and assists people dealing with substance use disorder. They are passionate about helping people in our community. allianceforliving.org
Amplify (formerly North Central Regional Mental Health Board)
Through conversation and connection, Amplify helps communities assess their behavioral health needs, identify gaps in services and develop their plans to advocate for the most effective resources available. amplifyct.org
Apex Community Care
The mission of Apex Community Care is to advocate for and provide services to people living with HIV/AIDS, mental health and substance use disorders, their families, and loved ones and to actively promote education and prevention in the community. apexcommunitycarect.org
Authentic Recovery, Inc.
Authentic Recovery is dedicated to providing individualized, effective treatment in a private practice setting. We share a common belief that all people should have access to quality mental health care and addiction treatment. authenticrecovery.org
Aware Recovery Care
Aware Recovery Care is one of the most comprehensive addiction rehab programs available in the U.S., providing a lasting solution for those suffering from the disease of addiction—in the comfort, privacy, and security of the home. awarerecoverycare.com
Charlotte Hungerford Hospital
Charlotte Hungerford Hospital’s Connecticut Mental Health Center has a certified opiate addiction counselor tasked with connecting and assisting individuals that are opiate-dependent with resources throughout the region. charlottehungerford.org
CHR is the most comprehensive non-profit behavioral healthcare provider in CT, offering a wide range of personalized services for children, families and adults whose lives have been touched by mental illness, addiction or trauma. chrhealth.org
Community Renewal Team
CRT provides recovery-oriented programs that help people gain better mental health and lead sober lives. Substance use and mental health treatment are offered in outpatient and intensive settings. crtct.org
Confidant Health
Confidant Health is an app-based hub that virtually pairs therapists, prescribers and coaches with individuals seeking treatment for substance use and mental health disorders. The best part? YOU choose how much you can afford to pay. confidanthealth.com
Connecticut Clearinghouse
Connecticut Clearinghouse is a statewide library and resource center for information on substance use and mental health disorders, prevention and health promotion, treatment, recovery, wellness and other related topics. ctclearinghouse.org
Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery (CCAR)
CCAR envisions a world where the power, hope and healing of recovery from alcohol and other drug addiction is thoroughly understood and embraced.
CCAR is a centralized resource in CT for all things recovery. ccar.us
Connecticut Council on Problem Gambling
The Connecticut Council on Problem Gambling (CCPG) is a non-profit organization focused on preventing problem gambling and helping those who may be struggling from disordered gambling as well as persons affected. ccpg.org
CT Department of Children and Families (DCF)
DCF-funded Substance Use Services are designed to offer children, youth, caregivers and their families a range of services for mental health, psychiatric, and substance use disorders that are grounded in best practice and evidence. portal.ct.gov/dcf/substance-use/home
CT Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS)
The DMHAS site provides a wide variety of links, from 24-hour crisis numbers and problem gambling services, to advocacy and support groups, bed availability, and regional directories of our many state-operated and funded programs. portal.ct.gov/dmhas
CT Harm Reduction Alliance
The Connecticut Harm Reduction Alliance (CTHRA) is dedicated to promoting the dignity and wellbeing of individuals and communities impacted by drug use. ghhrc.org
Coram Deo Recovery
Coram Deo supports women struggling with addiction and abuse in rebuilding their lives by providing safe, structured Recovery Housing and support services with compassion and a belief in the value of each individual. coramdeorecovery.org
Drugfreect.org is Connecticut’s premier resource on substance misuse and addiction including the full continuum of prevention, early intervention, treatment and recovery, data on the scope of the opioid crisis, and more. drugfreect.org
Farrell Treatment Center
Farrell Treatment Center is a nonprofit substance use treatment facility licensed by the State of Connecticut. We are a recovery-oriented system of care with a focus on the individual. farrell-tc.com
Governor’s Prevention Partnership
The Governor's Prevention Partnership equips, empowers, and connects organizations, communities, and families to prevent substance misuse, underage drinking, and violence among youth. preventionworksct.org
Grief Recovery After Substance Passing (GRASP)
GRASP was created to offer understanding, compassion, and support for those who have lost someone they love through addiction and overdose. Please come, join us. And become a part of the healing community that is GRASP. grasphelp.org
Greenwoods Counseling Referrals, Inc.
Greenwoods Counseling Referrals, Inc. provides access to high-quality and affordable mental healthcare and related social services for individuals and families living or working in Litchfield County. greenwoodsreferrals.org
High Watch Recovery Center
High Watch was established in 1939 as the world’s first 12-Step treatment center. Since then, we've led thousands of adolescents, adults and families from the grip of alcohol and drug addiction to the freedom of recovery. highwatchrecovery.org
High Focus Centers
High Focus Centers offers two levels of structured outpatient programs to accommodate a variety of needs for adolescents aged 13 to 17: partial hospitalization (full-day) and intensive outpatient (half-day). highfocuscenters.com
InterCommunity Health Care
InterCommunity Health Care’s mission is to help people improve their quality of life by providing physical health, mental health and addiction services for optimum health and recovery. intercommunityct.org
Institute of Living (IOL)
Institute of Living’s model of care is derived from a long-standing humanistic tradition and rigorous commitment to scientific advances. Treatment at IOL is based on respect for the dignity and individuality of each patient. instituteofliving.org
Liberation Programs
Liberation Programs is one of Fairfield County’s leading behavioral health organizations specializing in treatment for all types of substance use disorders including alcohol, opiates, depressants and stimulants. liberationprograms.org
Litchfield County Opiate Task Force
The Litchfield County Opiate Task Force is a community collaborative working to reduce the harm caused by the opiate epidemic in our region. facebook.com/LCOTF
If you or someone you know is struggling with opioids or other substances, you are not alone. There are ways to connect and get the support you need. Talk to a peer, call for treatment options, connect on social media. liveloud.org
Matt’s Mission
The growing epidemic of addiction is no secret and it is time to start making some changes. Matt’s Mission is not only a tribute to Matthew P. Barrett, our loved one, but also in memory of all who lost their lives to addiction. mattsmission.net
McCall Center for Behavioral Health
McCall seeks to alleviate the pain and human suffering brought about by substance misuse by providing comprehensive substance misuse and mental health treatment to help people lead healthier , more productive lives. mccallcenterct.org
Mountainside is a nationally acclaimed alcohol and drug rehabilitation center, proudly celebrating over 20 years of providing innovative and comprehensive addiction treatment. mountainside.com
Newport Academy
Newport Academy brings teens from self-destruction to self-esteem by treating the primary mental health issues that are the underlying causes of high-risk behavior. They treat individuals ages 12–24 struggling with depression, anxiety, and trauma-related issues, along with teenage substance use. NewportAcademy.com
Opioid Overdose Prevention/ Naloxone (Narcan) Initiative
Naloxone, also known as Narcan, is a prescription medication that reverses opioid overdoses. It is a safe and easy to use medication that you can get from your doctor or a certified pharmacist. portal.ct.gov/DMHAS/Programs
Project Courage
Project Courage strives to help people recover by providing specialized treatment that is client-centered and addresses the obstacles plaguing substance use treatment. Project Courage serves clients aged 14 and older. Their just cause is Be Heard, Feel Safe, Find Courage, Discover a Purpose, Live an Enriched Life. ProjectCourageWorks.com
PursueCare is a provider of virtual addiction care for substance misuse from any place at any time. We recognize our moral and ethical responsibility to provide the highest quality treatment service that holds the most significant promise of successful patient outcomes. pursuecare.com/
Recovery Network of Programs - Horizons
Horizons is a CARF-accredited intensive, short-term residential rehabilitation program for adult men and women struggling with addiction. The program offers a range of treatment based on professional best practices and evidence-based treatments. recovery-programs.org
Rushford is one of Connecticut's leading providers of addiction and mental health treatment programs for teens and adults. If you or someone you know is struggling with a behavioral health problem, Rushford is here to help. rushford.org
Stonington Institute
Stonington Institute’s treatment program draws from medical, psychological and traditional self-help approaches in addiction treatment. stoningtoninstitute.com
Team Sharing CT
These Facebook groups were created for all parents in the U. S. who have experienced the loss of a child through substance passing, so we can lift up and support one another through our grief. facebook.com/groups/TeamSharingCT
The Alex Fisher Foundation
The Alex Fisher Foundation educates parents and teens about the harmful effects of drug misuse by providing a mock teen bedroom to educate parents about where to look for potentially hidden drugs and alcohol. facebook.com/pg/The-Alex-Fisher-Foundation
The Courage to Speak Foundation
Provides substance misuse education programs for youth, and is dedicated to ”Saving lives by educating and empowering youth to be drug-free and encouraging parents to talk to their children about the danger of drugs.” couragetospeak.org
The Next Right Thing
The Next Right Thing was created to meet families’ complex needs. They specialize in the unique problems associated with adolescent substance use and mental health problems. Parents find help and hope with other parents. Adolescents find their way home. nextrightthing.net
Today I Matter
Today I Matter is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization established in memory of Timothy Lally. We are committed to promoting and advocating for the physical, emotional, and mental health of all in our communities. todayimatter.org
Toivo is a peer-run, non-profit initiative that includes statewide classes, workshops and a center for holistic healing and stress management. Donation-based offerings include yoga, meditation, qigong, sound healing, and more. toivocenter.org
Turning Point CT
TurningPointCT.org was developed by young people in Connecticut who are in recovery from mental health and substance use issues. turningpointct.org
Volunteers in Psychotherapy
VIP is a community nonprofit organization that provides truly private psychotherapy for no fee (or a low fee). Clients “pay for” their therapy by doing volunteer work for the charity of their choice. ctvip.org
Wheeler Clinic
Recovery from addiction is always possible. Wheeler offers an extensive continuum of substance use disorder treatment and intervention services, including medication-assisted treatment for opioid and alcohol addiction. wheelerclinic.org
Wilderness School
The Wilderness School program model has been designed specifically around serving “at-risk” adolescents and their families who are struggling in their homes and communities and who face above average challenges in their lives. portal.ct.gov/DCF/Wilderness-School/Home
Wildwood Farm
Wildwood Farm is a unique recovery opportunity located along the Connecticut Shoreline for the LGBTQ+ person seeking time to heal from the challenges of addiction and co-occurring problems. recoveryatwildwoodfarm.com